What if you aren’t bound by anything?
What are you generating through your living?
Do you constantly create shit that holds you back or stops you from living the life you desire?
Or are you creating a life that actualizes your desires, that lights you up and makes you look forward to getting up in the morning?
Do you have a generative life?
Are you truly living?
Or are you stuck in a life you do not enjoy?
“Susan has been a big contribution to my life,
I have experienced many modalities from her such as astrology readings combined with mental and energy clearance (access consciousness) that have freed me from repeating unhealthy patterns assisting me to move to the direction I wanted to see myself to go to.
I also have experienced “bars” every time is different the body and mind start feeling so much lighter as she moves her fingers to a different position on my head leaving you with a sense of space and expansion where you can see different possibilities again.
I have to say that if you like to treat yourself to a better path or have more satisfying experiences than your present time is offering you, I wouldn’t hesitate to call Susan and allow your being to receive her magic I totally recommend her!!!!”
— Carolina Delafori, New Jersey
A generative life is a constant creation of more of what you wish to create as your life.
Are you joyful? Being joy is just a choice. Joy is a generative energy. It creates a life and living that is abundant. Joy creates wealth. Wealth doesn’t create joy. What could joy create for you, if you were willing to choose it and BE it!
What are you creating in your relationships? Do you create relationships that you enjoy or they a source of trauma and drama? How much fun is that for you? What if your relationships were created out of joy and were a generative resource for you? What if they allowed you to create more of what you want out of living?
Do you have the amount of money you require to support the kind of life you desire? What if you could be the generative source for creating more money flowing into your life and business with ease? What if creating generative money flows wasn’t difficult but instead came through joyful ease and not work that was hard or difficult? What could you create as your life and living if you actually enjoyed money? Have you ever thought to enjoy money?
How do you create your body? Are you enjoying your body? What does constant judgement and criticism create in and as your body? What if you were kind to your body? What would your body be like if you created it everyday with the energy of joy, instead of telling her how much your are dissatisfied with her? Creating your body with joy creates generates more joy and more money. Money is for the body. What if your joyful body creates with you? Do you talk to your body? Do you listen to your body? What could that create for you?
The target of my practice is for you to be empowered by your own knowing, to acknowledge that you know, to have ease with your body and to create a fabulous life from your own awareness.
I offer pragmatic tools, energetic body processes and facilitation to clear judgements and limitations that cause stagnation and repetitive patterns that block you from being fully you and assist you and your body to open to receiving all the Universe has togift to you.
If you desire to be the conscious leader of your own life and actualize the life you desire through your own awareness and choice, have more ease with your body and more joy in your life, let’s create some magic!