Using astrology for more possibilities
Astrology is the study of the planetary cycles which correlate to cycles on earth.
It applies to the personal as well as the collective. It is a study of time and events occurring within these cycles.
Astrology not only identifies attributes and circumstances but strives to understand them.
It is a glimpse into the intelligence of the universe.
People studying the sky in ancient times, took note of the planets, the sun, the moon and the stars as well as their movements through the sky. They started noticing that when planets were in certain positions specific things happened. Not only did specific things happen, but these patterns repeated and created cycles. Kings consulted their astrologers, who would be able to tell him of possible times of prosperity or threat of war or famine.
The Natal Chart or birth chart describes a picture of the heavens at the exact time of our birth. This moment is not random and it depicts the cycles of our lives, our personality, our potential strengths and weaknesses, and patterns of behavior. It gives us a bird’s eye perspective of our lives. Giving us an awareness of how we are functioning and opens us to the possibilities to capitalize on our strengths, be aware of our weaknesses and make better choices to improve our circumstances.
How the planets and stars indicate the times at hand is not explainable. The fact is that they do. When you look back on an event in history, the happenings are in the astrology chart of that event. When you research the history of Russia (every nation has a birth chart), you find that the cycles of Pluto and Saturn are significant in the events of both Russia and the Soviet Union. The Bolshevic Revolution, events in WWII, the Bay of Pigs, bringing down the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union all happened during major transits involving Saturn and Pluto. The leaders of the Russia and the Soviet Union, Lenin, Stalin, Chruschev, Gorbachav and Putin all have Saturn and Pluto in significant aspects to each other in their natal charts as well. The Soviet Union’s chart, specifically, has a significant aspect of the asteroid Ceres, who’s astrological glyph is a sickle, which we see present in the flag’s symbols of the hammer and sickle.
The same goes for events in our daily lives – losing your home or buying a new one, divorce, loss of a job, radical life change and death can all be clearly seen in the transit chart of that event. In hindsight, astrology is exact. It does not however, predict the future. It can show the possibility of that event in what is being indicated by the transits of that chart. Say Neptune is transiting someone’s 4th house… Neptune rules the water sign of Pisces, and the 4th house speaks of things having to do with our home and home life. Things dissolve in water, so it could indicate the possible loss of the home or it could foretell a flooding of the home, a major weather event or the water heater going out or a bathtub overflowing and causing damage in the home. Just as an instrument can be played in a higher octave or a lower octave, or simply not played at all, the energies represented in the chart can be played out in many ways. A good astrologer opens you up to possibilities and does not tell you that something specific is going to happen.
The Natal Chart or birth chart describes a picture of the heavens at the exact time of our birth. This moment is not rando. It depicts the cycles of our lives, our personality, our potential strengths and weaknesses, and patterns of behavior. It gives us a bird’s eye perspective of our lives. Giving us an awareness of how we are functioning and opens us to the possibilities to capitalize on our strengths, be aware of our weaknesses and make better choices to improve our circumstances.
When looking at relationships, business, employment, psychological or health issues, it is important to remember when looking into future charts that there is an indication of what could happen. We live in a free will universe. We have free will to choose what we will choose and our choices create the life we live. For example, the chart may show a time when the client is dissatisfied in their marriage, it could be that he gets a divorce, cheats on his partner or his partner cheats on him, he does nothing and continues to be miserable, or chooses to take actions to strengthen the relationship. It’s all up to the personal choices the person makes. The planets and stars aren’t “doing” anything to us. They simply indicate the energies and potentials of the times… which heightened possibilities are available at that particular time. Just as an instrument can be played in a higher octave or a lower octave, or simply not played at all, the energies represented in the chart can be played out in many ways. A good astrologer opens you up to possibilities and does not tell you that something specific is going to happen.